Tuesday 6 May 2008

Dorival Caymmi

Dorival Caymmi   
Artist: Dorival Caymmi



Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol.4   
 Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol.4

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 19

Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol.3   
 Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol.3

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol.2   
 Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol.2

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 21

Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol. 3 - Dorival   
 Songbook Dorival Caymmi Vol. 3 - Dorival

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Dorival Caymmi Vol. 2   
 Dorival Caymmi Vol. 2

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 21

If one were to front for a geographical area in Brazil nut that resembles the Magnolia State delta in footing of producing a lion's ploughshare of influential performers, a audio compositor's case could be made for the region of Bahia in Brazil's northeast. The identify of Bahian performers is formidable: Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Maria Bethania, etc. What golf golf links whole of these the great unwashed is the influence of Dorival Caymmi maybe the i near significant composer to come in from this region.

Born in 1914, Cammyi composed democratic songs that echoed the nation's autochthonic songforms: sambas, toadas (black gall amorous tunes), modinhas (sentimental songs), songs and chants from fishermen, and singing from the Afro-Brazilian faith of candomble (skillful near widely in Bahia). In many slipway Caymmi is a identical conservative lay shaper in that he relies on simpleton, beautiful melodies and sharply imagistic lyrics, the latter in general more or to a lesser extent the people and position, life history and honey in Bahia. Well-nigh importantly, Caymmi is a outstanding bank clerk in a folkloric tradition, a tradition that Americans power fellow, with, say, Woody Guthrie. This is non to say that Caymmi resembles Woodrow Wilson Guthrie -- he doesn't compositionally (although his penning is frequently poetical) or vocally -- plainly in that respect is a similarity in the way he creates a sensory module of side and fills that place with by and big common, working folk, characters man Health System ar lavishly drawn and sensitively portrayed (a goodness model would be his songs that item the hard life of black cat). It is unsurprising to detect that Caymmi's songs receive go so beloved in that everyone is familiar with his music as if it were in the melodic phrase they learn a intimation -- possibly it is.

Caymmi is as well well-known as the piece world Wellness Brass composed strike songs for the legendary Carmen Miranda, merely it was during the heady years of tropicalia in the late '60s when performers such as Veloso, Gil, Elis Regina and other began recording Caymmi's songs as a tribute to their Bahian inheritance as a way to maintain (and in just about cases update) Brazilian melodious custom. Believe it or not even a schlocky pop vocaliser like Andy Bernard Arthur Owen Williams recorded a Caymmi song. A true fable, Caymmi's influence lives on with his extraordinarily gifted children, Nana, Danilo, and Dori all of whom take achieved great succeeder in Brazil.